Where is all of this time going? Seriously, I need someone to explain this to me. Up until three months ago I would scoff at women who got to stay home but couldn't manage to keep the house in some semblance of order or who couldn't stop complaining about being tired. This is my official and earnest apology. I really had no idea that the second I had this baby that my time space continuum would be completely altered. I've gone from days at work that seemed to turn into weeks, to a day at home that surely could not have been more than four hours. I have no room to complain, I know this. I have a new baby that has never woken up to eat more than twice in the wee hours. He only cries if he is hungry, wet, bored, or is having the kind of tummy troubs that seem to fold him in half. He is never a mystery. He also keeps a pretty tight schedule. But for some reason I can't seem to get a single thing done...or more like I am getting things done but no one would ever know unless they saw me doing it. I had a flash of brilliance a month ago and made myself a chore chart. For two glorious weeks the house was in order and things were flowing like I always imagined they would. Then Henry and I got the creeping funk that had us both on the crabby, can't stop coughing train for a week. I did nothing but comfort and complain. That was last week. Now there is a brand new week to conquer and I'm not even mounting a fight. Every time I think I've got this kid's schedule mastered, he changes up on me. His latest curve ball is not sleeping unless I'm holding him. Don't get me wrong...I love this more than life and wouldn't dream of trading it for anything...especially a load of laundry...but OMG we need clean clothes. So in any given two hour cycle (that's how often he eats during the day) it's cry, change pants, feed, doze off, cry, fall asleep on mommy (sometimes for hours) OR expect entertainment that changes every five minutes (hard to perform this task for a three month old)...and start all over again. That leaves absolutely no time for anything. Just a few weeks ago I could get things done while he was sleeping and by "things" I mean at least a load of laundry or at least turning the vacuum on...those days have long since passed. For those that have known me for any amount of time are thinking "Since when do you care about cleaning your house?" I don't know the answer. It probably started when I decided I wanted to be an over achieving mommy. I'm not over achieving. You know, I take that back. I am a fantastic mommy. I am also a horrifying example of a housewife. For now I think I will be happy with being a great mommy. The house will always need my attention. I will eventually have to go back to work. These boys however will not always need their mommy.
So my shoes are sitting in the middle of the living room but my littlest is asleep on my chest.